Protect Your Lawn and Family with Expert Insect Control Services
America’s Best Lawncare offers a comprehensive Lawn Insect Program that aims to protect your family and pets from the terrifying effects of contagious diseases, bites, and rashes due to insect infestation in your lawn. For effective and long-lasting protection, our lawn care specialists implement treatments that create a barrier of protection to help make time spent in your lawn safe, fun, and worry-free! Our customized lawn insect applications consists of a thorough assessment that aids our lawn care specialists treat and make professional recommendations to correct potential source areas and eliminate over 70 different insects that have populated on your lawn.
Insects are not only a nuisance on your lawn but are a constant threat to your family and pets. Once they attach firmly to hosts and start feeding, they can transmit diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, and many more. Here at America’s Best Lawncare, we aim to protect your landscape from teas and ticks by offering a simplified program consisting of 4 applications, 1 occurring every 90 days. We aim to create a powerful barrier for your yard so you can roam freely without worrying about insects invading your fun time with family and pets.
Here at America’s Best Lawncare, our lawn care professionals customize a lawn insect program to ensure its overall success. We take great pride in our comprehensive insect service as it targets ant infestations too. Our insect control professionals conduct a thorough inspection of your landscape to accurately identify areas that are hospitable to insect growth. We will work closely with you to determine vulnerable areas that need prompt treatment. You can rest assured that with timely lawn insect control applications, you can enjoy an insect-free yard all season long.
America's Best Lawncare uses a professional pesticide called Talstar Pro, which can significantly reduce the number of pests in your yard, including:
Our Lawn Insect Control Service offers the following services, but not limited to:
1. Flea and Tick Prevention
Fleas and ticks can be a major problem for homeowners, but America's Best Lawncare has a solution. Our Lawn Insect Control Program uses safe and effective chemicals to eliminate these pests from your lawn. Our trained professionals will apply the treatment at the optimal time to ensure maximum effectiveness. Say goodbye to fleas and ticks and hello to a beautiful, pest-free lawn with America's Best Lawncare.
2. Flea & Tick Control
Our lawn insect control service specifically target fleas and ticks during the spring and fall seasons when they are most active. We utilize superior, environmentally friendly solutions designed to eliminate fleas and ticks and prevent them from further spreading diseases to humans and pets alike. We offer several customized flea and tick control solutions depending on the size and scope of your property.
3. Flea & Tick Maintenance
Our lawn insect control program will offer you peace of mind by drastically reducing the chances of contracting Lyme disease by your loved ones with flea & tick maintenance. We use a combination of solutions to target the different life stages from spring to fall. Our lawn care professionals strategically implement 4 treatments in a 12 month time frame to give your property the best results. You can rest assured that all our flea and tick control solutions are rigorously reviewed and approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
4. Additional Insect Control Included
Insects are a threat to us, our children and pets year-round and become most active during the warmer months, starting as early as March in some areas of the United States. However, in the state of Texas, they tend to be active YEAR ROUND. The pesticide we apply to your turf grass & flowerbeds remains in effect for roughly 90 days per treatment from the date of application, which means each service would take place 4x per 12 months. Our Lawn Insect Program offers prevention and maintenance for active infestations of over 75 pests on your turf grass and flowerbeds, which includes the following insects, but not limited to; nuisance ants, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, thrips, june bugs, rootworms, weevils. roaches, mosquitos, chinch bugs, army worms and spiders.